How to Have an Effective HOA Board Meeting

Your next meeting can be a productive meeting of the board if you follow a few simple steps on how to run an effective HOA board meeting in Greensboro NC. Whether you are holding a special meeting or a regular board meeting, there are some things you can do to ensure that your meeting of…

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Safeguard your Home While on Vacation

A home left empty while its owners are away is a tempting target for criminals. Fortunately, however, there are several key steps that every homeowner can take to keep his or her home safe while on vacation. These simple, easy tips can give you peace of mind while you’re away. When you’re confident that your…

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Qualities to Look for in a Homeowners Association Management Company

When you are looking for a Homeowners Association Management company to take care of your community, there are a number of essential qualities that you should be searching for. From the company’s level of expertise, to the degree of promptness, responsiveness, and professionalism it provides, there are many important elements to consider as you evaluate…

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